Excerpts Book 1

Dollygal says, “The rain is singing a song can you hear it?”
“I’m afraid not, honey,” Peacock finally says.
“Sure you can, just like at the lake. Let’s close our eyes, but no peeking, Brother Serpent,” Dollygal replies.
“This is ridiculous. Rain does not sing tunes…” grumbled the serpent.
Suddenly, a big smile appears on Peacock’s face, and he says, “Wait a minute, I can hear the raindrop song. So can you, serpent, admit it.”
(Peacock slaps serpent on the back leaving him quite disturbed by the situation.)
“Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Peacock continues to laugh, as their carriage re-enters the castle gates

His laughter is taken by the wind and carried out the back window…
down through the Garden, passing by the flowers and the weeds, tickling the water in the lake and finally swirling around the most magnificent tree in the Garden.