Excerpts Book 2

Lovelyville has made a major change as a town since it’s early beginnings; within it, love has conquered chaos and separation of the mind. It’s people were once dominated by their differences, but now it’s people are coming into alignment by realizing their likenesses. Order leads the way and manifestation of this order will soon follow.

It starts with a gift, followed by an awakening about what the gift is. The gift is an understanding-that we are never alone- and is always connected to a higher consciousness than of which we are currently aware. With the acceptance of and belief in this Gift during the awakening period, forces will push forth, creating the golden path of enlightenment.

Chapter 1
Love Comes Home

“How do I wake up? How do I know if I am here, or with my brothers?”
“You are already awake, DollyGal. I am here to guide and help you in this awakening period. You will soon discover that you are at all places at once, at all times,” says the voice.
The first raindrop on the white windowsill clings on for its life. Many more drops follow, echoing and chanting a rhythm that ultimately awakens DollyGal from a dream state. The bed in which she had tossed and turned is so large that it makes her seem twice as small. Enveloped in a white comforter and multiple colored pillows, red, blue, purple, indigo, yellow, orange, and green, DollyGal suddenly opens her almond-shaped eyes wide, as forces beyond her imagination pull her up and forward in bed. Focusing on the rain outside the window before her, she is delighted to be home again.
Downstairs in the main room of the house, festivities are bursting forth with townspeople everywhere, creating the special ceremony. Serpent and Peacock are sitting in the breakfast nook having morning tea.
“We have never had this many people in the house at once. Who knows what will go missing later,” says Serpent.
“Will you relax please; this is a very important day! I need my tea and something to eat, and so do you,” says Peacock.
“I will have my ginger tea and one egg over easy please,” says Serpent.
“I will tend to breakfast if you go and make sure DollyGal is ready for the day,” Peacock replies.
In a humorous voice, the Serpent says, “I shall tend to the queen. Her Majesty… The Royal Princess.”
“Just go and help her out, Serpent,” says Peacock.
Serpent follows the spiral staircase upstairs to the second floor of the castle, walking very softly on the gold carpet that leads directly to DollyGal’s white bedroom door.
Serpent knocks on the door softly.
“Come in, Brother Serpent!” DollyGal exclaims while looking in her closet for the perfect dress to wear for the big event.
“The multicolored rainbow dress will be sufficient for today’s event,” says Serpent.
“I agree with you, Brother Serpent!” she replies, twirling around the bed with the dress in front of her, stopping in front of Serpent. “I am very pleased with you, Serpent. Today, all people will come and learn to live together again. And we get to continue spending time together. I love you, Brother Serpent.”
Serpent’s face freezes; his mouth puckers like a fish and his left eyebrow is higher than the right.
“What did you say to me, child?”
DollyGal raises her voice louder, “I said I love you.”
Serpent puts up his hands in front of his face and leaves the room. He scampers down the hallway and down the spiral staircase, rushing past Peacock without a greeting.
“Whoa, did you tell DollyGal to get dressed, Serpent?” Peacock yells out to Serpent who passes by him rather swiftly. “What is wrong with you, Serpent? I have never seen you this way before. Are you ill? You’re not trying to get out of the celebration, are ya?” Peacock follows Serpent into the smoking room.
Standing at the rock-formed fireplace, Serpent props one arm on it and props his other hand on his hip.
Peacock continues, “Are you okay, Serpent?”
“I don’t know if I will ever be okay again after what she said to me up there,” says Serpent.
“We need to understand DollyGal’s way of thinking. What did she say? Later, I will have a talk with her, okay?” says Peacock.
“She said these words to me, ‘I love you.’ I cannot have this kind of language spoken around here.”
Peacock folds his arms together as he approaches Serpent, “Why do those words bother you so very much, Brother?” Gently unfolding his arms, Peacock places his hands-on Serpent’s shoulders and says, “Together we will figure this out.”
The all come together celebration is a new start for Lovelyville. For the first time since the accident of their parents, Lovelyville is rejoining with all people. The once divided town has now united again. The promise of change pushes forward, miraculously manifesting itself into reality and creating new life lessons for everyone.
Peacock, DollyGal, and Serpent stand at the big open door that leads outside of the castle.
“I think we look really spiffy today, if I must say so myself,” says Peacock.
“Yes, indeed we do, Brother, indeed we do! I must say, that red suit looks simply marvelous on you. That tells me how much my fashion sense has rubbed off on you this past year,” says Serpent.
“Oh! Absolutely, without a doubt, it has. But I must say, Serpent, that you will definitely be the showstopper today in your purple suit; uniquely suited just for you, my brother.”
Standing straight and tall with his cane, Serpent does small turns on occasion to show off his attire.
“And that top hat is pure class all the way,” says Peacock.
“I am quite the looker today. At your leisure, feel free to admire me from time to time during the day, my brother, you might pick up a few new ideas,” Serpent speaks with humor in his voice.
“I am quite sure I will pick up something from you today, Serpent!” Peacock says sarcastically.
Suddenly Peacock and Serpent begin to feel a tug at their hands. “What about me, how do I look?” Peacock whisks DollyGal up into his arms, swinging her around once. “My dear, you are the belle of the ball, queen on a throne. Your very existence was created from gold star dust itself.”
DollyGal’s giggle radiates out the door and down the driveway, then finally bursts vibrantly into the rose bushes, leaving a permanent glow around them. “And that smile and laughter could heal the very sick and make them whole again,” says Peacock.
“I guess I look okay then,” says DollyGal as Peacock laughs aloud and gives her a big hug.
“How do you think I look, Brother Serpent?” DollyGal’s big almond-shaped eyes look up at Serpent with a beguiling look on her face.
Looking down at her, Serpent hesitates to answer her question.
“You look okay. Turn around and let me fix the bow on your dress. Oh! What would you two do without me here to put the finishing touches on your attire?”
He proudly tugs at her dress and runs his fingers across her hair.
“Your hair looks perfect hanging on your shoulders, especially with that beautiful dress which exuberates with all the colors of the rainbow.”
He takes off his hat and gives a waist deep bow, then holds out his left arm for her.
“Shall we head off to the celebration?” asks Serpent.
“I think we shall,” says Peacock.
“Let’s go,” says DollyGal